Raised on the ice of Canada's countless Hockey rinks, Face-Off Phil left a life of slapshots and snow for the bright lights of the -TWF- ring.A rising star who knows how to use a stick, Phil is sure to have the Sinistras against the boards this season.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mr.Extremo takes it to the Max, and then takes the Max to the EXTREME.Whether it's a 3000 foot bungee jump from a helicopter or swimming in a tank of sharks, this Dextara daredevil will try any stunt once.Some things- like crushing Sinistras-he's happy to do 1000 times.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hometown Huck
Normally, being a good natured kid from an all American town doesn't lead someone to become a particularly powerful thumb-wrestler.This isn't the case with Hometown Huck!Humility,Honor, And the ability to deliver 1 heck of a crushing makes Huck an exceptional fighter when it comes to protecting the Thumb Wrestling Federation from the unsavory grasp of the Sinistras.
Most slam poets don't actually slam-not so with Wasabi.She'll read you a poem and mash you into the ground before you can say "Haiku"!It's tough for a girl like her to hang out with all the boys, but whatever emotions she can't get on paper comes out full-force in the ring.Any Sinistra who catches Wasabi on a bad day better learn to lose gracefully before this poet snaps and shows them who the boss really is.
Vini Vidi Victory
Vini Vidi Victory used to hang out with a rough crowd until he discovered the glory of being a good guy.The leader of the mighty Dextaras, Vini vowed that the Sinistras would never take over the thumb wrestling federation.Armed with the determination of a true Dextara and a blinding right hook, Vini Vidi Victory will be victorious.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The -TWF- Story

A long time ago, when wrestlers were spandex and had back hair, the thumb wrestling ring was a place of heroic deeds and fair competition, of honor.The bells were polished, the matches were set, and the scores were kept, all by the wise thumbs of the Thumb Wrestling Federation.
All was well...until an upstart named Senator Skull arrived on the scene.
Skull was a young wrestler with a diabolical plan.He didn't read the rule books and he didn't respect the old-timers.He wanted control the TWF, and he wanted it now!So Skull led a revolt, and split the Thumb Wrestling Federation in two.Those with respect and honor joined the mighty Dextaras.Those with less than a thimble full of decency joined the evil Sinistras.Now Senator Skull and the Sinistras will stop at nothing to defeat the mighty Dextaras, take over the Thumb Wrestling Federation, and perhaps the world!
Sinistras,Dextaras, Let's Thumble!
Go to www.thumbwrestlingfederation.com for more information.